(This writer resists the temptation to write a detailed description of the blog as he is pretty sure he would want to burn it up when re-read at a later date. He can live with this being a footnote to nothing.)
Thursday, 22 June 2006
My first Bunk....yaaaayyyyy
long time no c
c time no tea
tea time no money
moeny time no friends....
this is a short one I learnt from one of my new friends....
For the first time in my college life, i bunked college....the feeling is totally new....though I have bunked many whole days when I was at school....this feeling is totally new....the feeling that you are here when you are supposed to be in class listening....man it was awesome....
There were 4 of us....we never planned the thing, so even though 2 of them had bikes....we couldn't use them because they were parked inside the college campus....we headed to the bus-stop and caught a bus to Besant Nagar....went to the beach....sight adichified....had some snacks at Planet Yumm.....then at around 7 30 or so, caught the bus back to College and returned to the parking lot at 7 50pm....got out the vehicles and went to the beach again.....I finally returned home at around 9 30.....Dad asked my what took me so long and I just said, "Traffic jam in T.Nagar"....and he said, "ya, it took me 1/2 hour to pass Pondy Bazaar"....I was thinking to myself....."ah it feels so good to lie after such a long time"...
Sunday, 18 June 2006
College Blues...
I've started going to college....Vivekananda College...evening....B Com Corporate Secretaryship....and my college can easily be described using very few choice words...
Padipps and Pazhams are all that surround me...well...I guess this is God's way of punishing me for all the wrong doings of mine...moving on with my college's description...My timings are from 3 30pm to 7 45pm...and when I come out of my class room at 7 45...The whole crowd moves Blindly towards the light at the entrance of the college....It's like moving towards the light at the end of the tunnel....we don't know what we step on...we can't see the faces of the guy next to me...Oh yeah!!!....I forgot to tell you that this is a guy's college...The Dress Code sucks....Only shirts and formal pants allowed...No t-shirts, no jeans and allegedly no cell phones too...
Anyways, me is stuck in this hell of a college...I have no idea how I am supposed to "enjoy" my college life...
My First Day
My first step into the college and all I see is a crowd of guys....It was totally wierd....To be honest with you people, I have never stepped into a place filled with so many guys...I felt completely out of place...and the First Hour of every Friday is Prayer hour...where we are expected to listen to some crappy seniors chant some Hymns....It's good to be spiritual...but then this is a bit over the line....One hour...Every week....complete crap...
Each class is of an hour's duration...I got a break from 5 30 to 5 45...and College ends by around 7 45...and by the time I get home it'll be around 8 45 or so...so I've got long days ahead...Espescially if I join my CA classes...which I guess I'll join in another week or so...once I join them, my life will be hectic and I don't know how often I'll be able to update my blog...
k thn...
Thursday, 15 June 2006
Me enters college tomorrow...
The college is nothing but a school...they don't even allow t-shirts over there....it has to be Shirts and Formal pants only....me hates this....and my class-mates are going to be P+P....Pazham+Padipps....I don no how I'm supposed to enjoy with these kinda ppl breathing down my neck....
Tomorrow....the list is going to be put up at D G Vaishnav College....pls pray that I should get admitted into that college....Me joining vivekananda college was just for safety purposes...and due to family compulsion....
Wish me luck ppl....
Describing this system in one word wud b so very easy....3 words actually.....f*c*e* up system....The chennai ppl r sufferin cos sum bugger @ Delhi didn't like the Tamil serials...so wat did he do??? he gave a punishment to da Chennai ppl....CAS.....Chennai Stuck with tamil serials....Wat else cud v do....sum may ask....wtf??? Wen delhi, kolkatta and bombay cud wade off da damn system...y cudn't v???
Wen da system was proposed 3 yrs ago...All the 3 metros....except our city of course....opposed it like hell....Our ppl welcumed it with open hands...as if they were welcomin sum country's president...And now v r stuck with tat damn system....there's no respite from it....if v have to get rid of it...either the State govt has to act or da cable operators have to unite....
But nothin seems to b happening....da politicians don give a damn to all this stuff....and the cable operators are cashing in with the help of the situation....pathetic....ppl from all the other cities in India and in Tamil Nadu r enjoying channels like HBO, Star Movies etc....and v ppl r stuck with da damn Sun TV, Jaya Tv etc who can't broadcast a single programme without cursing the opposition party....it sux...big time....
Wat did v do to deserve this??? y only us??? Did the BJP govt hav sumthin against da Chennai ppl???
Wen ever i switch on da Idiot Box....i hear the silly bgm of sum sick serial...mostly copied mujik from sum English artist......but nowadays there's sum relief cos of da 2 channels....and I get to c WC and F1 in my home aftr so many yrs....it feels so gud....
but wen da WC gets over....it'll back to the stupid serials again....oohh....i'm gna hate those days...
Monday, 12 June 2006
Fate......Is it a ? or an !.....???
Told ya ppl tat i luv philosophy....I read a book called The Alchemist by Paulo Cohelo....awesome book....Really changed the way me looks @ stuff....It's a story about a small boy chasing the wildest of his dreams...and how he succeds....and the stuff tat he finds and how he finds them...awesome work by the Author...It's a must read....for ppl who r interested in these kinda stuff...
Philosophy ain't my cup of tea...but then it does interest me...fate plays a major role....everything is bound to happen when it's supposed to happen...Nobondy can prevent fate from doing it's work...a movie was released long ago in connection with this notion...called Final Destination....it's got 3 parts....
I live for the moment....no expectations kept in mind and I prefer if people live for the moment too...it makes their whole view-point totally different....It's more enjoyable if life is led by this idea...but thn....living for the moment doesn't mean doing all that u wan to rite now...everything's got it's own time...wen it's supposed to happen, it will happen...
It's my fate that I have to rite such boring stuff to u...and It's your fate that u r stuck with such a boring post (If u've read till this sentence...i guess v think in da same lines....lol...)...and it's my fate that I have to listen to some snide comments and remarks for this post....anyways...fate is fate...no one can change that...
Sunday, 11 June 2006
Ma first Crush....tis is vry embarasskin....
Ma first crush...Was waaaaaayyyyy back in 6th standard....a gal called Uma....ma neighbour....WAS....not any more...so wipe tat Smirk off ur faces....She was in 8th standard at tat time....her house was in da 2nd floor of the Apartments next to my house...wenever me was given da bat....ya v used to play cricket in ma compound...me wud aim to hit da ball into her house...Actually according to da rules @ ma compound....If da ball goes directly to da next apartments...da batsman is out...So everytime i try to hit da balll to her house...i wud b out...
me didnt care bout all this....me wanted to c her....she was BEAUTIFUL....her little locks of jet black hair...her lovely smile...and her voice....da sweetest....till now me hasn't heard a sweeter voice tan hers....the way she walks aroun....carrying herself so gracefully...
but as usual her dad was da villian...he used to come out with her all da time...even wen she comes to da grnd floor to check out da posts....as if she dusnt no to read or sumthin...i used to curse tat fellow....tat sottai fellow...
but tat never used to stop ma likin fer her...I've never spoken to her....heard her talk tho....so don wonder how i no tat her voice is sweet....
The tragic twist to da story came wen her dad....ya da sottai fellow...got a transfer to Pondycherry....damn it....this came wen me was in 8th....so she was in her Xth....
ppl say tat there's a gud part to all the tragic incidents....yes....it's true in ma case too...She actually spoke to me....YAAA...she really spoke to me...
she said....."Bye Karthik...I'm goin to Pondicherry( Like i didn't know), I'm going to miss watching you play cricket...(she really likes my cricket...she really likes my cricket...she really likes my cricket...she really likes my cricket...she really likes my cricket...she really likes my cricket...she really likes my cricket...she really likes my cricket...she really likes my cricket...she really likes my cricket...she really likes my cricket...she really likes my cricket...)....
me went craxy listenin to her tat day.....well anyways....I don't remember wat made me have a crush on her...anyways...me forgot her long ago...
me still remembers me's frantic attempts to hit da damn ball into her house...
well....me will never forget Uma...cos she was da first in me's long list of crushes....and the list dusnt stop...me got more crushes tan anyone can ever imagine....
Friday, 9 June 2006
Hi evrybuddy
The past 3 days hav been vry borin,,,,nothing much to cheer bout…nothing much to do….jus stupidly whilin away my time…it’s been so borin….except for one thing…..ME GOT 80 HITS TO MY BLOG……YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAAAA……
Me is too happy….me thanx all u ppl….me really thot me sux @ ritin too….but thn I guess u ppl really do like my ritin…wow…this is jus gr8….me feels so elated….and it’s all thanx to u ppl….i knew I cud count on u ppl….even in da darkest of ma times….and u proved me rite….
Ma frenz hav been ma greates gifts….me jus loves ma friends….but sum of em…I jus don no wat to say….well there r sum ppl….who I’ve known since a very long time…and when they found new friends…they jus start ignoring me….i don wna mention any names…it hurts man….it really dus…wen ppl u’ve been knowing so long suddenly start ignorin u jus cos they got new friends….now isn’t tat silly and sick???
K let’s leave out da borin topic….but me is sure tat all of ya hav experienced this prob…and u do wna talk bout it to sumone…well….me suggest u ppl open up a blog….:p…
Anywayz…..off late…me has been wondering a lot bout philosophy and stuff….and it’s interesting to a certain extent….i got a line from sumwhere and it’s sumthin like…crazier ppl don no tat they’re goin crazier…they believe they’re growin saner….makes a lotta sense….atleast to me….anyways….dus da line ring a bell to anyone???
Me is interested in odd stuff…..me likes philosophy, astrology, astronomy and all this star-gazing thingy….but me loves to talk bout Zodiac signs….if u ppl hav time…check out a book by Linda Goodman…the ultimate guide to Zodiacs….me learnt a lot from it…
Wednesday, 7 June 2006
Those were the Best days of my life.....
If u think me is talkin bout these days...no way....these r the most borin days of my life...these hols totally suck and I'm waitin to get bak to skool......oooppss.....college i mean....[:D]....
me is here to rite bout me's days @ JV...the skool was OK....but thn wen it came to frenz....it was awesum...v had the best gang of guys...v were put together in 8th std.....got to no each other in da 9th....and wen it came to Xth...v got to hav fun together...
these guys were jus awesum....u won no time go by wen u r with em....talkin vettipechu....wastin our time.....racing each other to the BG....tat was our toilet btw....Brindavan Gardens....lol...there were 2 toilets....the one in da 3rd floor was the BG...and the one in da grnd floor was the Parliament....cos tat's where all da important ppl of my skool used to pee.....imp ppl like the Peon....arts sir (Dokkan)....and many others used to let themselves loose...
the fun v used to hav at classes were unsurpassable....Max prds esp.....Vijaya ma'm was our fav prey....best comedy i remember from her class.....once Anil was talkin sumthin to her and she got real angry....she was comin close to catch his ear...and guess wat he said???..."Venam ma'm....edhuva irundhalum pesi theethukkalam"...( ma'm...watever it is....v'll solve it by talkin).....was the best one I remember....another incident is where Vasanth Paul and I...were laughin for some silly joke....but the thing is v were laughin for 30 mins straight....
I don't remember the joke...but v both were laughin our asses off....v both used to laugh....then stop...then look at each other...thn start laughin again...it was crazy....it was totally awesome...the whole maths class tat day was outta track cos of us....Man....tat was jus awesum....
But then....there were sum bad moments too...atleast personally....don wna mention em....
there were sum incidents which used to repeat very often....Like Sriram laughing very loudly just when the teacher enters the class....and Dheeraj used to join him...it was a riot...even for the smallest of Jokes...both of them used to laugh their asses off....it was like a competition or something...the gals and the teachers used to think they lost a nut or something...but thn it was fun to look at them laugh so loud and get caught....after getting the scoldings...they'll jus sit down and laugh again...it was totally hilarious...
Man...those really were the Best days of my life...the whole of my Xth standard was awesome....we used to b called the naughty X D...even our class teacher never wanted to cum to our class for a sub period....If we had 2 straight free periods...at the end of the First period, either the Principal or the VP wud b outside our classroom...waitin to advise us....
We used to play cards inside the classroom....Book-cricket was our favorite pass-time....second only to teasing....our most fav pass-time and our specialisation...
But, while I was in KV.....there r sum ppl who crack the sickest of jokes....and I used to laugh at that....it was a pain in da ass to act as if I am laughing....anyways...
Allright ppl....I guess I've bored u toooo mucchh....
Tuesday, 6 June 2006
Einstein's Equation.....Me=SAF......Sux at Flirting
i am happy....my Blog's got 13 hits since the counter was installed....makes me feel very happy....
Ok comin to da topic...me totally sux at flirting....I've got many gals who've told this to me directly...me knows that flirting is natural and it can't be taught to any person...but me wants to flirt better....me totally sux at it and me wants to improve cos me is goin to college this year....me is mostly gna join a co-ed college....and if me joins a co-ed college...it wud b very hard for me to control his flirting with gals...but then me dusn't wna embarras my self trying to flirt and get disappointed....but thn...there's a slight problem....all of me's frenz who r gals r jus tat....frez...how can me flirt with frenz??? so it all cumes bak to one point....me is still single and me wants a person to flirt with....so if anybody can arrange for tat me wud b very faithful to that person...
aaaahhhhh.....it feels so gud to watch da rain...it rained las nite...rain in chennai in da middle of it's scorching summer...wat a relief....and as many ppl no...me jus loves da rain....was watching it from behind my house gate las nite....strict orders from me's dad...if u go out in da rain....i won't pay for da tablets....me wondered y he thot me wud get sick....anyways...
so me is waitin for u ppl to gimme flirting lessons...and for a guinea pig to practise my flirting skills...which is in da negative rite now...
Sunday, 4 June 2006
Startling stuff...

I did sum googlin and some ctrl+c....ctrl+v....and i found sum startling truths...
The Babri Masjid was demolished on December 6th, 1992...from a gr8 marvellous piece of architecture from the 16th century (when Babar built it) till 5th of December 1992....to nothing but rubble on december 6th 1992...imagine....almost 400 yrs of legacy....crushed within an hour...
No wonder the Muslims got angry....but then this anger doesn't justify their killings and rioting...They should've resolved this matter just by talks....and shouldn't have taken to brute force...u may b thinkin...wat me wud've dun if i were to b a Muslim....tol ya earlier...i wud've killed the damn politicians who started this all....and If i had been put in the jail or sentenced to death...I wouldn't have cared...this death wouldn't have made me feel guilty...cos i wud've dun at least 1 gud thing before I died...
Leaving all this aside....The day after the demolition took place....there were articles all over the Media....articles accusing some leading politicians at tat time....but then the politicians didn't take it as an embarrassment and fight back...those damn ppl actually sought refuge from the people saying that they were falsely accused...and got sympathy votes....And wat happens??? the succeeding Parliamentary elections saw the arrival of BJP at the centre...after almost 16 yrs of Congress ruling...
How great is this??? You demolish a Holy structure.....get accused....trigger communal riots....riots that dented India's image in the global picture....act falsely....get sympathy votes...and LO....ur party holds the Power of the nation.....how many of u wud like to try this modus operandi in order to rule India????
Me read that there were basically two gangs at work in Ayodhya....the VHP( who led the Kar Sevaks who actually physically demolished the Masjid), BJP and the RSS were the so called "Protectors of the Holy Land where Lord Ram was born"......the Gang of Muslims (whose name i can't remember) were " the Protectors of Babar's Masjid and the Protectors of the Babri Masjid".....
what many ppl don no is that in earlier days....even before the Britishers ruled India....there was a pact between local Muslims and Hindus living in and around Ayodhya...there were a gang of followers of both the Gods...and there was even a small religion that worshipped both Gods...there was a small Idol of Lord Ram inside the masjid premises....
when the Masjid was being demolished....there were 3 gangs present over there...
the VHP led grp....the Muslim grp and this gang of followers of both the Gods....
the end-result.....VHP ppl crying to demolish the Masjid....the Muslims crying that they would kill those who laid their steps on the Masjid....and finally the Gang supporting both Gods making frantic cries to stop all this.....
the building was demolished under the careful supervision of L.K.Advani, Uma Bharthi and many other leading politicians from the BJP.....
all the commotion @ Ayodhya gave many people sleepless nights....but One important person had his usual Sunday afternoon nap...undisturbed by the happenings at Ayodhya...this man was none other than the then PM, Mr.Narasimha Rao.....his assistants didn't give him the news because he "doesn't like to be disturbed in hi nap"....sickos
the worsht part is that the whole Nation knows that these politicians were involved in the mass act of injustice....but then they aren't even sentenced to a day's prison....
tat's India...... a politician does anything and gets away with it....and even gets a few thousands of votes and Sympathy votes...sick or wat???
me doesn't wna leave this....me is gna find out more....dusn't matter if me gets comments....
today was a borin day as usual....saw BOMBAY fer da nth time this aftrnoon....awesome movie....
so me in dis post is gna talk bout tat movie...
first of all....Mani Ratnam's Direction....wat else do ya need???and to add more to the list....A.R.Rahman's mujik.....I don hafta say bout tat...fav song(s)....Uyire and Andha Arabi Kadal Oram....imagine this....People still luv to listen to these songs....almost 10 yrs aftr da movie....tats true class...
Da movie has a gr8 theme....nobody in their rite minds wud've imagined the story-line wen it was still in da first-half @ da village...seemed like another run of da mill luv story...but no...there's Mani Ratnam's class....wat an amajing story...
i've seen da movie many times bfore this...but this time....it made me think a lot...
wat made ppl demolish da Babri Masjid??? wat made em kill each other??? i no tat sum politicians r involved...and the worsht part is tat those f*****s r still walkin scot-free....if i were to b a Muslim @ tat time....i wud've first brutally murdered those politicians instead of killing other Hindus and innocent ppl.....me is gna research dis topic....find out who was behind this national uproar....and me is gna c wether those ppl really had a reason to lift up weapons...
Saturday, 3 June 2006
back with a bang....Ouch
wat do i post bout???
k...best topic....my frenz....
basically i got 3 gangs of frenz....one from JV....one from KV....and one from the contacts i got @ JH....sum ppl may no who i'm talkin bout....:D
the JV gang is by faaar the coolest gang....its got more than 10 ppl actually...me is damn proud of these frenz....but then sum of em r goin on the rong path....i don wna mention da names....
wat's this??? me is gtn philosophical....not gud for me's health....
and then the KV gang....not so thick...cos it was jus 2 yrs...me needs more time to bond with those kinda peeps....but thn....me finds sum vry funny peeps out there....
thn cumes the fun gang....the JH gang....consists of 7 ppl...i guess...this gang is the most tiresum of all....cos it's got more mature ppl....it makes me think....and it shows that me has got to think even wen me is amidst me's frenz....*me wonders wen was the last time he thot wen he was surrounded by frenz*
wen it cumes to roamin around...its mostly with the JV gang... cos of all those yrs together....but me is ready to roam aroun with any1....any1 who can tolerate with me....:P.....
k later....
more bout me
me loves mujik...books...sports...roaming....and the rain...
wen it cumes to my mujik...me luv A.R.R...he's jus awesum....my thalai....and then eng mujik....me like rock, heavy metal and hip-pop...
me luves metallica....amajing grp...and me luves eminem too....linkin park, bonjovi, bryan adams... and the likes...and thanks to sriram for givin me an intro...no, not to a gal...but to eng mujik....
books r my vetti time friend....luv fiction....me not read many classix or many best-sellers...me likes Michael Crichton, JKR, JRR Tolkien, Dan Brown, P.G.Wodehouse...hmmm....tat dude who rote hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy...ya douglas adams....
sports is one filed where i fail miserably...me is a jester of many sports....king of none....and again thanks to sriram....ya this time....for introdujin me to basketball...one of my fav passtime...tho i totally suck @ it...
roaming aroun Chennai is one thing me does very often and me never gets bored of it...the flats and streets of kodambakkam, west mambalam, tnagar,kknagar,ashok nagar have seen me very often....alone...with a gal (nope not my gf...oh i hope so...)..with frenz...with parents...
rain...my fav type of weather....live in chennai for as long as i hav and u'll no y....but thn me hates it wen there's rain outside and there's no power inside my home....and i hate rain in a saturday afternoon...cos tats the time i skid on the roads with my vehicle....
History...Bout me...
well then....me has finished 12th std this yr....waitin for college to open...not yet joined any college...cos its too early to know where i mite join.....a gud week more to know where i'm gna b put up...
me crazy bout my frenz....can't live without em....sum r funny....sum r thoughtful....sum r freakish....sum r loveable....sum r jus great....
All of em r my frenz and i don wan anythin else from em....
my life so far (17yrs 9months) has been quiet uneventful....except that i get my b'day every yr...and get promoted every yr....make new frenz every yr....hmmmm.....get scoldings from my dad every day....
me is still single...wwwaaaaahhhhh....so anyone readin this wna make me happy...gimme an intro to a gal who mite suit me....