I did sum googlin and some ctrl+c....ctrl+v....and i found sum startling truths...
The Babri Masjid was demolished on December 6th, 1992...from a gr8 marvellous piece of architecture from the 16th century (when Babar built it) till 5th of December 1992....to nothing but rubble on december 6th 1992...imagine....almost 400 yrs of legacy....crushed within an hour...
No wonder the Muslims got angry....but then this anger doesn't justify their killings and rioting...They should've resolved this matter just by talks....and shouldn't have taken to brute force...u may b thinkin...wat me wud've dun if i were to b a Muslim....tol ya earlier...i wud've killed the damn politicians who started this all....and If i had been put in the jail or sentenced to death...I wouldn't have cared...this death wouldn't have made me feel guilty...cos i wud've dun at least 1 gud thing before I died...
Leaving all this aside....The day after the demolition took place....there were articles all over the Media....articles accusing some leading politicians at tat time....but then the politicians didn't take it as an embarrassment and fight back...those damn ppl actually sought refuge from the people saying that they were falsely accused...and got sympathy votes....And wat happens??? the succeeding Parliamentary elections saw the arrival of BJP at the centre...after almost 16 yrs of Congress ruling...
How great is this??? You demolish a Holy structure.....get accused....trigger communal riots....riots that dented India's image in the global picture....act falsely....get sympathy votes...and LO....ur party holds the Power of the nation.....how many of u wud like to try this modus operandi in order to rule India????
Me read that there were basically two gangs at work in Ayodhya....the VHP( who led the Kar Sevaks who actually physically demolished the Masjid), BJP and the RSS were the so called "Protectors of the Holy Land where Lord Ram was born"......the Gang of Muslims (whose name i can't remember) were " the Protectors of Babar's Masjid and the Protectors of the Babri Masjid".....
what many ppl don no is that in earlier days....even before the Britishers ruled India....there was a pact between local Muslims and Hindus living in and around Ayodhya...there were a gang of followers of both the Gods...and there was even a small religion that worshipped both Gods...there was a small Idol of Lord Ram inside the masjid premises....
when the Masjid was being demolished....there were 3 gangs present over there...
the VHP led grp....the Muslim grp and this gang of followers of both the Gods....
the end-result.....VHP ppl crying to demolish the Masjid....the Muslims crying that they would kill those who laid their steps on the Masjid....and finally the Gang supporting both Gods making frantic cries to stop all this.....
the building was demolished under the careful supervision of L.K.Advani, Uma Bharthi and many other leading politicians from the BJP.....
all the commotion @ Ayodhya gave many people sleepless nights....but One important person had his usual Sunday afternoon nap...undisturbed by the happenings at Ayodhya...this man was none other than the then PM, Mr.Narasimha Rao.....his assistants didn't give him the news because he "doesn't like to be disturbed in hi nap"....sickos
the worsht part is that the whole Nation knows that these politicians were involved in the mass act of injustice....but then they aren't even sentenced to a day's prison....
tat's India...... a politician does anything and gets away with it....and even gets a few thousands of votes and Sympathy votes...sick or wat???
me doesn't wna leave this....me is gna find out more....dusn't matter if me gets comments....
tat's quite a bit of work u have dunne there....i cant believe advani and co are roamin arnd freely after this....
hey kati how do u upload a pic wid a blog?
well to add an img just click on add an image button in the create a post page...tat's the icon 2nd frm rite...
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