Yup, the old ANAGRAM is gotto change now. It's no more Nine Planets cos Pluto has been chucked out of the Solar System. It's no more a Planet. So now, the Solar System's got just 8 planets with the possibility of more planets being added. The irony is that one of the may-be-added planets is one heavenly body called "Charon", a moon of Pluto. The moon amy become a planet and the planet isn't a planet anymore.
Pluto is now rechristined as just another Plutonian object -the term itself arising from the word Pluto- after the International Astronomical Union stripped Pluto off it's Planetary status which it had enjoyed for the past 7 decades. This is a result of changing the definition of a planet. As Pluto didn't qualify to be deemed a planet according to the new defintion, it was, without any delay, kicked out of the Planetary List.
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