Saturday, 18 August 2007

Spider Pig!!

Spider Pig, Spider Pig
Does Whatever A Spider Pig Does
Can he Swing from a Web?
No he can't, He's a Pig!
Look Out!
Here comes the Spider Pig!!


Anonymous said...

What the hell were you thinking!?!?

Karthik.H said...


It's from Simpsons...

mahimsm said...


Anonymous said... originality then!

Karthik.H said...


never claimed it was mine...besides...I'm surprised u haven't heard this... :)


finally u signed into ur id...
and that's from The Simpsons Movie...sema hilarious rite...and u just HAVE to watch the movie...

Anonymous said...

never fancied simpsons too much...and its not 'nitya' :-(

mahimsm said...

yeah....will watch it...but u know they asked me what it was in the store here too!!.....sema funny . remind me to tel u abt it when we tak!